It's Journal Time.

Sitting here in my room. Was thinking about some Ice-Cream. When a thought cam across my mind. Kevin JONAS. Kevin Fuck Jonas. Yeah, he got Married on a Saturday. Right? They had purity rings? Yeah. Well, Kevin got Married, which means HE GOT LAID. Kevin GOT LAID. He got to feel SEX. I bet he feels like a Man now. :] I would. Hah, I'm not a man. But, Don't you think that Joe and Nick called him and we're like "OH. Man. What was it like?" I think that's what they did. Their so Jealous. But, NO I'M not spamming. This is worth your time. COME ON ! TELL ME you don't think about that? I mean I know, Kevin's probably getting it on again tonight. Ha ha. Any way. I just thought I'd say that, to a lot of people. Instead of myself. Plus, I wanted to write it down, so I wouldn't forget it. KEVIN JONAS GOT LAID. Can't wait to see when the baby comes along. :D

December 24th, 2009 at 04:40am