My Christmas Eve Adventure

My friend called my up this morning asking to hang out some time today. Well about one o' clock I called her up and said, "Alright. I'm ready. I'll walk over." She lives in the same neighborhood as me. It's like a thirty minute walk away. Well anyways, it's really windy and cold outside today. But I walked on listening to my Kingdom Hearts playlist. It was an amazing walk filled with leaves spinning into the air and people honking happily at me as they passed...until about forty five minutes later (I did a lot of dancing on that walk), I was almost to her driveway.

Before I knew it these dogs I've never seen before start running full speed at me from my side. They're barking and snarling and growling and I'm pretty sure they saw me as a piece of Christmas Meat. I'm usually not afraid of dogs, but these had that look in their eyes (and their teeth, for that matter). So I run as fast I could in my fashion fur boots and jump the really big ditch, because I had no other choice.

It stormed last night, and the ditch was filled with about a foot of water. But hey, it was either I was going to have to fight off a Rottweiler and a huge other dog, or I'll get a little wet. And so I was up to my knee in mud and my iPod fell out of my pocket. These dogs were a couple yards away from me now, so I had to find my iPod real fast. Luckily, it had fallen away from the water and just got a little mud on it, which I wiped off later and I ran into the woods.

These dogs continued to bark as I broke off a really big stick from a tree and took out my cell phone. "Hey. Uh. Your neighbor's dogs are holding me hostage in the woods. Come and get me?" And she said, "Alright. I'm feeling lazy though, so I'm driving."

So she comes as I rock in fetal position on the woodland floor, hoping the dogs didn't decide to jump through the ditch. Well she showed up and the dogs ran away back to their house, and I came out with the stick in hand.

"Alright. I saved you. Get in the car."

She was on the other side of the ditch. "Just meet me back at the house."

"Get iiiiiiin." So I ran a ways towards her driveway and she drove away. I jumped over a smaller part of the ditch, but there was a bunch of mud still and I got even muddier. (Rawr.) Well then she backed up into her drive way, and she had a little...predicament.

Half of her car was hanging into the ditch, and half was on the driveway still. So she couldn't go forward or backwards because there was a pole in front of her and a big tree in the back of her. I don't even know how that could happen. But it did.

And her mom comes out and starts yelling at her, so I decide to book. "That was a lovely walk. Nice seeing you! Merry Christmas!" She got grounded, and the car is probably still stuck there. I went through her backyard and walked on a different street to go back to avoid the dogs and I saw my Dad at a neighbors house, which was awesome, because I get cold easily and I was really close to getting sick. And he gave me a ride home.

So here I am now. And I feel really bad for her and home this doesn't ruin her holidays. Although, she's kind of banned from driving now. (Which I don't really blame her mom for, she needs a little practice. o_O)

I hope she doesn't read this any time soon. Hehe.

December 24th, 2009 at 10:14pm