I know envy is a deadly sin, but... I can't help but wish I was one of -those- girls. [I'm an elf! Long time no journal, eh?]

First off, MERRY CHRISTMAS, CHRISTIBIANS! and HAPPY KWANZAA, AFRIANS! and HAPPY CHANUKAH, JEWIANS! -- please excuse that I may be a bit late or early with some holidays. 8| There are people on here from pretty much all over the world on here, so, you know, those time zones screwing with us.. Plus, I'm not too sure when Kwanzaa or Chanukah start/end.

Please, please do not take this as a racist (or anti-religion?) question... But what do Jewish people and others who don't celebrate Christmas, do on Christmas? Is it just another day for them, or...? I'm sorry if this offends anyone!

QUESTION! What do you atheists do? I know a lot who still celebrate Christmas in the same way as Christians/Catholics but without the religious aspect behind it. I don't understand that. My family is somewhat religious, but not really... My mom still takes time to thank God and Jesus, pray, etc. and put up little decorations with crosses and whatnot. But are you still considered atheist if you celebrate a religious holiday?

Some people call themselves atheist, but really aren't. (I'm not accusing any Mibbian's of doing this, but in real life I know plenty. It's annoying!)


"Hi, I'm Jackie and I'm a Capricorn."

Lmfao! Have any of you seen that commercial? It's for an iHome. There's this really beautiful girl trying to look provocative and she opens her mouth and -- in a really manly voice says -- "Hi, I'm Jackie and I'm a Capricorn!"

I laughed SO hard at it. It's really stupid and random, but hilarious. To me, at least.


So, the point of this journal!
I don't mean to sound like one of those attention whores and say these horrible things about myself so you guys can compliment me, but...

Well, I was watching the video for "Knives and Pens" by Black Veil Brides. It's really good!

Anyways, Andy Sixx, the singer... I can tell that he knows he's attractive, because he is and everyone -- most -- think so! I realized there are a lot of girls (and guys, but mostly girls) who are the same way. They aren't extremely conceited, but they're happy with how they look and you can tell.

I wish I could be like that, sometimes. Confident. I mean, I think I can look good in some pictures. But I don't look good all the time and in person... I think I look like shit.

I think we all know someone who seems to be perfect, right? Someone who still manages to look good, even when they're making a funny face. Someone who always manages to get the boy/girl they want. Someone who is friendly. Someone who has a great life at home. Someone who has great friends and is a great friend.

I feel like I'm talking about my sister.

Actually, I am talking about my sister. She's absolutely gorgeous.

I hate comparing myself to other people, too. So why am I doing it? ._. I sound like such a hypocrite.


I haven't been on Mibba for a while. Did ya'll miss me? ;D

LOOK, I'M AN ELF. :D click! I'm watching Rocko's Christmas right now. <3333

December 25th, 2009 at 02:10am