Porn is Highlarious.


It's Journal Time.

Hello loves. I'm cold. I was watching, The Hills Run Red. Wicked awsome movie. It's fuckinng scary. I love it. I mean it's just wow. Now I'm watching Interview with a Vampire. But, anyway. My friend Watches Porn, and made me watch it with her one day. I don't know why. But, she watches it to learn new sex positions. ICK. Anyway, Porn is fucking highlarious, the sounds they make, doesn't really turn me on, it makes me laugh. It's so Stupid. I mean seriously. I mean whats so on turning about it? It makes me laugh my ass off. I don't watch it, that was a one time thing. But, i dunno. I got Bored. BYES LOVES<3

December 25th, 2009 at 02:19am