24 December 2009

Okay, I highly doubt anyone will read this and I sort of feel dumb writing but here goes anyway.
So tonight, Christmas Eve... I feel like I should definiatly put up SOMETHING for the story I've got in my mind before I go away Sunday.
I'm trying, too. Really I am... It's all in my head but I just can't seem to organize my thoughts. I WILLLL have atleast A full out Chracter or a first chapter out by the time I leave Sunday. but then, after that, I'm gone for 4 days so there will be NO updates, not like anyone's counting on them anyhow.... And after that you can all assume they'll be quite scant due to New Year's and home I have... yeah, over break, I know...
That's all for now, Merry Christmas [Eve]
December 25th, 2009 at 03:22am