Marriage - Perfection - Looks

To be completely honest, I don't see the point in getting married.
Like if you really love someone and want to spend the rest of your life together, grow old and squeeze out a few kids why do you feel like you have to have some ring on your finger to prove to the world that you deeply love some guy or chick.

Plus today most people that get married end up getting divorced - True Fact.
It's so rare to see happily married couple.

What happened to them ? Where did all the happily married couples go ?

Don't misunderstand me I'm not saying all married couples are unhappy - I mean my parents have been happily married for over 30 years now.
It just seems like people are looking for more then just true love these days, people are start judging more and more just by their appearance I mean come on that's preeeetty shallow.
Women today are all looking for a handsome guy with loads of money and willing to raise a family. And men are all looking for this sexy young chick that will pretty much take their orders. I just don't get why looks matter so much today. Everything HAS to be perfect now a day.

Big beautiful house, big yard, dog, kids and a perfect husband... not really my thing.
As long as me and my life partner will be happy everything is perfect, it just feels like some people think it takes all that to be happy and have the perfect family.
Sure I have dreams and hopes about what my family will be like but like I say love, happiness and respect as all I ask for.

What happened to people that were fighting to get more education and working their way up in their jobs, people who really fought for what they believed in and put them self out there to find the their "soulmate".
But no these people are all lost in todays community, all looking for the best -- the newest and the most perfect.
No one care about the inside anymore it's all about look.
Looks are overrated
"There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion."- Sir Francis Bacon.
December 25th, 2009 at 04:31am