Justin Bieber and Ryoma Echizen ... oh and Joe Jonas

Ok. So, everyone who's reading this has probably heard of Justin Bieber. Either that or Ryoma Echizen.

Well, I had one heard Justin's songs and I instantly thought of Ryoma. So, now Ryoma's voice is Justin Bieber's in my head... So I'm going to create a story one day on one of Justin's songs, just cause that's the voice I put with him....

That was a run on sentance.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else thought of Ryoma when listening to Justin.

Um... so I have 75 words left, so I'm just going to put up a little snip bit about Ryoma:

Name: Echizen, Ryoma
Age: 12
Grade: First Year

Ryoma is from the manga Prince of Tennis. He's striving to become the best tennis player in Japan, then in the world. His father is has set the bar for him, having been the best tennis player world wide.

Ugh... Ok. That's enough on Ryoma.

I'm watching Disney with my lil bro. And JOE JONAST CUT HIS HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! IT LOOKS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
December 25th, 2009 at 05:49am