Death and Jelly Dounuts!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to die? That’s a thought I find myself trying to figure out everyday. I would wonder if when you die, would it be just like sleeping without dreaming.

Trapped in the haunting darkness for all eternity, or would you come back as a ghost or spirit watching the people you left behind never being able to interact physically with them or speak to them.

like you were stuck forever in the corner just……………… watching as the people you loved when you were alive live their lives and move on and you’re slowly forgotten from their memory

Sometimes I would wonder if you would be reborn as another person and every choice you made in your past life you did the complete opposite in your new one.

Or maybe, you were reborn as a completely different species like a dog or a tortoise. Or if you were a girl in one life but reborn as a guy in the next. Or what if you lived a wonderful life you had a loving family, caring friends, had food shelter and everything you needed you were happy.

But was reborn into a completely opposite world. So you can see what it’s like to live both ways to experience a good and bad life.

Maybe there really is such a thing as heaven and hell, God and the Devil. And if you actually lived the life of a righteous person your spirit would go to heaven and you would stand side by side with God.

Or you could live the life of a sinner and die and go to hell and spend the rest of your afterlife side by side with the Devil. But, the truth is nobody knows what it’s like to die until you actually experience death for yourself and it’s not like you can go back and describe to the people what it’s like to actually die so we can prepare ourselves for what’s to come to us cause well………you’re dead.

So, never the less when it comes to death we will always be left in the dark and go on living our lives and not be able to do anything but wonder what’s it like to die?

I can’t say I’m afraid to die cause frankly I’m not afraid to die. Because death is part of life we live to die so when I die is up to fate and I know when I die no matter how the way I die turns out to be it will be my time.

Some people say when you’re murdered or if your death was an accident that it means you died before it was your time. I don’t really think that’s necessarily true, I believe that everything happens for a reason.

So, no matter how your death goes whether you’re murdered, or in a accident, or commit suicide, or if you trip and fall off a cliff or even if you die peacefully in your sleep. That is the way you were meant to die. Death comes in all shapes and sizes expected and unexpected. Death is the way of life and that’s something we’re just going to have deal with and accept.

Because no matter how……… depressing? Death may be it’s a part of life, and nothing lasts forever…………… except jelly doughnuts and strawberry pop tarts!
December 25th, 2009 at 05:50am