Christmas and Updates

So I've had the best christmas this year than I have in previous years.
Last year I wasnt even able to have lunch with my family.
But I'm glad I'm past that part in my life and I really can not wait until 2010.

"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's going to be my year"

I'm trying for everything that I want in my life n 2010
Great friends, great family, starting my career, maybe a suitable boyfriend.

Anyway, I might update later on if I'm alive haha
I'm drinking a bit with my family and just celebrating the good times.
If not today than I will update tomorrow.

I only started posting my stories in September and I love everyone that's left me feedback or just anyone that had read and subscribed, thankyou guys.

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates =)

December 25th, 2009 at 08:00am