I've just realized a few things

1. I didn't get a Wii because I got a laptop. (DURR!!)
2. I'm waaay too obsessed with X-Men...
3. 2010 is coming... Are you ready?
4. I'm in love with Alex <3
5. I'm cold and my Snuggie is too far away :( (It's really only a few inches out of reach, but I'm lazy)
6. I change my background every five seconds
7. I name just about everything. My laptop's name is Synyster Gates (Lol, new addiction)
8. I don't have a New Year's resolution yet!!! Ahhh!!! A
9. No one really cares about all this bull mess __________________l (that's supposed to be an arrow)
10. And the worst realization of them all... I have homework for art class :'( It's a stupid feature article... When, in my life, will I ever need to know anything about the Gothic and Romanesque Periods of Art?!? When some maniac is holding me at gunpoint, demanding to know some bull spit about art, and won't let me go until I tell him, word for word, everything about The Gothic and Romanesque Periods of Art?!?
December 26th, 2009 at 01:58am