My Best Friends Boyfriend.

Today I'm going to be talking about one thing that kind of has been eating me inside for couple of months.

First of all I don't want to sound jealous or mean I'm just being honest and thinking kindly about my friend.
Anyways... My best friend X is one of my closest friends and she used to laugh all the time and she was always smiling and goofing around and I really enjoyed her company.
But then she started seeing this guy who was my ex's friend and they started dating and he seemed to be perfect guy for her.

At first I really liked him (as in thought he was a good guy for her). He showed her life much interest and wanted to get to know her closest friends and tried to make some sort of bounds with me and I started to call him one of my friends. He took her out almost every night, bought her gifts and made a great impression with her mom and she loves him.

But after the first two months they of course had their problems and usually these problems were about him being to flirtatious around other girls.

And now they've been together for about six months and she has changed completely.
She never calls me or her other girlfriends, she's always, always with her boyfriend and they're always fighting. I met her the other day just before christmas and she was so tired and didn't even smile or laugh like she used to and she's so serious that's so unlike her.
I tried talking to her about their relationship but she looked at me like I've told her she was fat or something. She went all defensive, it was like she was trying so hard to make me think she was happy but anyone could see she's not.

This guy is always cheating on her and everyone knows it and I tried to tell her and she wouldn't believe me and talked to him and of course he says no and she believes him.
It's just so sad to see her these days it makes me so sad.

This girl was so full of joy and life but now she only talks about him and their problems and she has stopped to joke around and takes everything so serious. It's like she's trying to act all grown up to impress people. Well I understand why she acts that way around him since he's four years older then her but come on you can at least joke around with your girls.

How can se be so blind, it's like she doesn't realize how unhappy she really is.
I can't stand her boyfriend today and I've told her that and I think she deserves so much better then this sucker who is always cheating on her and making her feel useless.
December 26th, 2009 at 02:42am