My mom can really piss me off sometimes

Well let's see, I have been called an ass twice a bitch once and I think a whore. Not really sure about the last one it could have been something else. And all my this from my "loving" mother. She gets in these moods where it like she wants to see how much she can piss me off and make a scene and problem where there is none. My mother just loves the drama. It started this morning like 5 minutes after I woke up. Last night she told my sister when she was washing dishes to leave the pans for her to do. So my sister does, well I guess she didn't leave the right ones. My mom said she told her only to leave the pans from the night before which I now my mom didn't because I heard her. So we weren't allowed to have friends over. But i was allowed to go to the park with my friend so I did. And of course it was windy, where i live doesn't get cold but the wind today just cut through you. Eventually my mom let my sis come out later we go home just we were sick of being outside. Our mom had left but had said we could have our friends stay over. Our mom gets back shuts herself in her room with our oldest sister and won't let us in. Which really annoyed because they were looking at houses in Washington(where we are moving) and I would have liked to put my two cents in where we were going to live. Well my sis and her bf decide to watch a movie. And the one they picked out I didn't want to watch so we were having a normal small argument it wasn't like we were punching each other out. My mom comes out all pissed and yells at me calling me an ass and bitch and makes me clean the bath room. And I'm just thinking what the hell we weren't doing anything. At 7:30 I take the dog out at 8:30 our dog is acting really hyper. My mom yells at me to take her out and I say "I just took her out an hour ago and it's (my sister I'm not gonna use her name) turn anyways" My mom just yells that she doesn't care take her out. Well I tell my sis but she wants to fight that it's my turn which is really stupid because it takes a total of 3 minutes. But since I' sick and tired of doing her chores( because she always finds a way to get out of them) I fight back. Which now looking at it was really dumb of me. My sis goes running and tells my mom and before I can say anything my mom is yelling calls me an ass and tells me to take the dog out. And of course I was right the dog didn't have to go she was just hyper. I come in the T.V is already on and I sit down. Mom comes and says " Hell no turn the T.V on get up and clean the kitchen" And I'm just like soo done with her at this point that I do it. And it's really stupid of her to use that as a punishment because 1 I would have had to do it anyways, and 2 my oldest sister's fiance works late so it hadn't eaten yet so all the pans couldn't be washed yet. When I'm done I tell her I'm done and I'm saying this in a very calm voice all she says is "well you need to find a way to calm yourself" once again calmly I say" Mom i am calm" and all she has to say is "No your not" and at this point I'm just so done it's not even funny I just say "okay" and walk and I'm pretty sure she called me a whore.
December 29th, 2009 at 04:35am