Super Happy Fun Time! Yeah.. Right.

So, I've been watching a lot of... Ghost Hunters.. That show with a bunch of guys chasing ghosts.. Well.. Somehow, I've scared myself silly.. Watching the show in the dark is a very bad idea. If you're going to do it, make sure you have loads of stuffed animals around you so that you can just randomly start hugging on to them. And don't worry about those sounds that come from behind you, those are just the monsters that want to eat your brains. Maybe suck your blood until you're nothing more than a prune. Who really knows?

Those monsters do. Ha! But I have been hearing some really weird sounds.. Like random bangs and scratches.. My cats have been looking in random directions for long periods of time. And let's not forget about what sounds like things sliding against other things with small conversations.

I try to come up with normal explanations, but I'm much to tired to think, so I'm going with what I've been watching for the past... 12-15 hours.. Ha. Now I'm going to go to bed cause it's like... 12:20 AM.

Sooooo... Good night y'all, and I hope you had fun with the "Super Happy Fun Time! Yeah.. Right." corner!!!
December 29th, 2009 at 07:22am