Unhappy Valentines Day

Valentines Day.

Yep. I know.

I`ve always hated this holiday. But this year, That may change. I have a boyfriend and I will, Of course, Get him something.

But I will still hate the holiday.

There`s something about it that makes me uncomfortable, Even just thinking about it makes me start to fidget in my chair. I can`t even look at all the V-Day merchandise that`s already in the stores; I feel like i`m drowning in all of the pink,red and whiteness of it all.

I wish me and Tory could just skip the whole day but I love him too much and plus, What kind of a girlfriend would I be if I didn`t get him anything.

When the say love conquers all, That even means Valentines Day.
January 3rd, 2007 at 07:14pm