
This probably isn't going to make much sense and just be one long ramble, but I feel the need to write it, probably in the hope that it will make me feel better about what has happened.
I woke up this morning with out a care in the world. My plan for today was to do some writing, finish the one shot I was working on and try and get an update of Love is a Loosing Game started. That all changed before I could even open my emails, when my good friend Andrea (Deathbat Prophet) messaged me asking if I'd heard about Jimmy. When she told me, I cried, I went numb, I just couldn't believe it. It just doesn't seem right some how. He was too young to die. To good to be taken from us. He was amazing. Truly amazing. He was quite simply the greatest drummer this world has ever seen. He was talented beyond belief and in my opinion, some of the best Avenged Sevenfold songs were written by him.
I've never seen them live, but I've watched Live in the LBC and clips on You Tube enough times to know just how great he was live. It saddens be greatly knowing that I will never see him play live, that Avenged Sevenfold will never be the same again.
My condolences go out to Leana, Brian, Matt, Zack, Johnny, the girls, all of Jimmy's friends and family, I can't begin to comprehend how they are feeling right now.

There have been many celebrity deaths not only this year but in my adulthood, and not one of them has affected me quite like Jimmy's. With Jimmy, it feels like I have lost one of my own. Everyone on here know's that I'm a Brian girl, but Jimmy was my favourite out of all the guys. I alway imagined Jimmy would be my best friend, the kind of big brother I never had but always wanted. I guess that's why I write him the way I do in my stories. Speaking of which I don't know who long it'll be before I post an update. I just don't feel in the mood to write at the moment, and I don't know how I feel about writing anything with Jimmy in it at the moment. I don't know how any of my stories will continue now that Jimmy isn't here. They WILL continue though at some point, I promise. In memory of Jimmy.

Well, I warned you it would be a ramble, but it helped me get stuff off my chest. I guess I do feel a small bit better.

Rest in Peace Jimmy, you will be greatly missed and never forgotten. Love always. xxx
December 29th, 2009 at 02:52pm