All Our Lives - Open Discussion

My mind went a little crazy today thinking. There's a topic I'd like to open up to get people's opinions on because I don't have the answers my head was searching for.

My friends are great and I love them to death but it annoys me a little when they start complaining about their life. Complaining about parents and boys is something that I do myself but life? No, I don't do that.
Can people my age (15-16) complain about their life? They complain that my life is too boring or my life is crap. Hey, we're 15/16! Our life has only just started! We have it pretty damn good if you ask me. We (well most of us, I'm talking in general here) live at home with parents that fund our basic needs. What we do from there is who we are.
Thing is, I'm still discovering things about myself and I'm basically still learning who exactly I am. I'm still deciding who I want to be and why. I'm guessing that my friends are doing the same sort of thing.
So can we complain when we still don't know who "I" or "me" is?
Can we complain about our lives when we're barely living them?

Please comment and ease my over-active mind
December 30th, 2009 at 01:11am