R.I.P Rev

Well I have a lot to get off of my chest. The Rev. What can be said about this amazing man? He was such a gift from God. He was a funny, creative and I'm sure a very caring and loving man. He was taken away from us far too early. I know that Avenged will not be the same without him. However, I hope Matt, Zack, Brian and Johnny won't let Jimmy's passing stop them from creating amazing music. He was such and amazing drummer and he definitely did not deserve to go. When I found out early Tuesday morning, around 2 a.m. it was hard to believe, i cried a little, but i didn't really cry my heart out. It was just too hard to believe that he was really gone. I was hoping it was all a horrible dream that would soon be over, or a really sick and twisted joke. But, as we all know, it wasn't. Last night was when i really broke down. I've been a fan since....i don't even remember when, but all of those men have a special place in my heart, and it's hard to believe that he's gone, i still haven't accepted it. A7X is and will always be the number 1 band in my heart. I actually cried a little today, and every time i start to cry, i just know that Jimmy doesn't want us crying for him. He wants us to continue with our lives, but i cant help it. nothing is gonna be the same.

Unfortunately, i never had the honor of meeting Jimmy. I am absolutely grateful that i am one of the lucky fans that got to see him play live.

I don't really know what else to say. Jimmy will be so greatly missed. Even though i didn't know him personally, it still hurts, because (like every A7X fan) he had a special place in my heart. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he's gone, it's extremely hard to believe. I hope A7X continues on their amazing musical journey and I hope they never quit. If they do, we all know that Jimmy's gonna come back just to kick their butts!!!

Also, screw you death! You take a the freaking good people in this world!!

R.I.P Jim. Keep rocking up there in heaven. Teach Jesus how to throw a party and have a good time. You know we'll all be thinking about you whenever we hear the thunder. And we all know that you are looking down on every A7X fan hoping that we keep rocking. We will never forget you. We will never let another take that special place in our hearts for you, because you Jimmy, are one irreplaceable man!

I love you so much, and know that my prayers are with your family, your wife Leana, Matt, Brian, Zacky, Johnny, Papa Gates (he loves you so much <3) and all your other friends, and of course with every A7X fan who is heartbroken and crying (like me). We're going to make it through this and we're going to keep Jimmy's spirit alive and always remember him. Remember his amazing drum skills and all his silliness and everything he did to make us laugh and to make us all fall in love with him.

Miss you already Jim <3 Rest in Peace.
December 31st, 2009 at 12:36am