A Rant About "Comment Goals"

Okay, I understand that all of us writers love receiving comments to our stories and whatnot, but sometimes people go too far. I'm not usually one to ask for comments unless I really want feedback on a certain chapter and even then, I just nicely ask for comments. Some authors want for example, a comment goal of 5 or 10 more before they update a chapter. Okay, sure that's reasonable. However, there are others who want, again, for example, 85 comments before they update again. That's really unreasonable, unfair, and greedy. What if you don't have 85 subscribers? What if you have less? Your comment goal isn't reached so then you never update. That isn't fair to your subscribers. In honesty, it's annoying. It's as though you just want the attention and if you don't get that attention, you throw the story away. Sure, one reason why we all write stories is in hopes of some people liking the story. But the whole main reason why we should write stories is for ourselves, you know? We write stories because a sudden idea popped into our train thought and then inspiration hits you. This is a long rant. Anyways, the point is, when it comes to comments for your story, you shouldn't be greedy.
December 31st, 2009 at 12:42am