My 2009

Well, 2009 has definitely been a dramatic year for me.

January: Uh, nothing really. Starting dating some guy named Michael, but nothing to exciting. I was still alll hyped up on New Year's Resolutions, though.

Februrary: Michael and I broke up because he cheated on me, which was sucky since it was right before Valentine's Day.

March: Met, starting dating and exchanged "I love you"s with this guy Alex I met over MySpace who pretended to be Nick Jonas. I also found out that my longtime best friend Matt, who I had dated before, still liked me, but I was in "love" with Alex. Great. I was mostly love drunk through out March though.

April: Found out my sister slept with some guy she had just met the night of her birthday which caused all kinds of fighting for my family, got in many an argument with Matt, had my birthday, and fell even more in love with Alex, who I still thought was Nick.

May: Alex didn't talk to me till the end of the month, Matt and I stopped fighting, and school got let out. Kinda a good month, but not exactly, since I hated my sister.

June: Only talked to Alex once and spent almost the entire month with my best friend Brittany.

July: Helped out with Vacation Bible School which was a lot of fun, and decided to talk to Alex about the whole long distance thing since I didn't talk to him once all July.

August: Found out Alex was a poser, which completely broke my heart. I also started school again and starting liking Matt again. Had a heart-to-heart with my sister and became her best friend again.

September: Starting dating Matt (again), but still thinking about Alex, but not in a romantic way.

October: Met my best friend's crush, Theo, who I also starting liking while dating Matt. Broke up with Matt because it felt weird. Brittany and Theo starting dating, which sucked.

November: Decided I was in love with Theo. He and Brittany broke up, and I became his best friend. Brittany and our friend Ty tried to hook us up, but he still like his ex, Jaime.

December: Starting dating Matt (yet again) even though I didn't like him. Fell out of love with Theo, considering I seriously thought he was gay. Almost got my first kiss. Wrote this.

So, normal preteen stuff. Comment and tell me how your year went.
December 31st, 2009 at 08:15am