I Hate My Parents Sometimes

My parents have never been abusive. They would never dream of hitting me. But they don't understand me at all. I'm a disappoinment as a child for them. They hate the way that I dress, and my personality. I wear a lot of black and my parents hate it. My mom is constantly trying to change my style which will never happen. And my dad always makes rude comments about my makeup. He always tells me that it isn't Halloween and tries to take my makeup away cuz he thinks it makes me look like a slut. And here starts my rampage about my supposed sluttiness.

Apparently my email address makes me seem like a slut. I sent my parents an email with a picture link in it so they could print it out for me. My parents get home today and my mom starts yelling at me cuz my email address has the words "luva and girl" in it. Apparently it's a crime to be in love with a band, and be a female. My mom says my dad is going to make me delete that email address and get a new one. All my profiles are linked to my old email address and if I delete it, all my profiles are gone too, which I refuse to do. According to my dad, it meakes me sound like an available slut and rapists are going to find my email address. How the hell are rapists going to get ahold of my email address?! I'm not as dumb as they think I am. I am not a slut. I have never been a slut. I never will be a slut. So quit fucking calling me a slut! I'm your daughter for god sakes! Jesus fucking christ! Be a little supportive why don't you?
December 31st, 2009 at 08:48pm