100 things I want to do before I die.

1. Go to Walden Pond and read Thoreau while drifting in a canoe.
2. Go Skydiving
3. Kiss the Blarney Stone
4. Ask someone you've only just met to go on a date.
5. Say yes to 100 things you would have said no to

6. Spend a whole day reading a great novel
7. Go Scuba Diving
8. Talk to a door to door witness instead of slamming the door in their face
9. Visit the Wailing Wall
10. Dig a well in Africa
11. Write something great, get it published
12. Accept Jury Duty
13. Hike to the top of a mountain and scream at the top of your lungs
14. Send a message in a bottle
15. Be in the live audience of a television show
16. Grow a beard and keep it for at least a month
17. Be an extra in a film, or on a tv show
18. Watch the launch of the space shuttle.
19. Give a stranger a 100 dollar bill
20. Meet someone great
21. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
22. Watch the sunrise from a mountain peak
23. Steal a street sign
24. Shoot bottle rockets off on the beach
25. Be Santa Claus at the mall
26. Go to a Drive in theatre
27. Fall madly and deeply in love
28. Get married
29. Buy a strangers order at the drive through
30. Go to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
31. Organize, or join a flash mob
32. Make a scene
33. Scream while walking down a crowded street
34. Have a swordfight in a public place
35. Mail either a banana or coconut as is
36. Hold your tongue when you really don’t want to
37. See one of your favorite musicians in concert
38. Spend a whole day eating junk food without feeling guilty
39. Visit a concentration camp
40. Fly first class
41. Splatter paint a room
42. Spend a day watching all 6 of the Starwars Movies
43. Write and mail a letter
44. Make someone a mixed cd
45. Sing a song on some ones voicemail
46. Participate in an open mic night at a stand up club
47. Ring a bell for the salvation army
48. Dance in the woods while listening to Animal Collective
49. Participate in a large water balloon fight
50. Quit a job you hate
51. Build a sand castle
52. Sleep under the stars
53. Sacrifice your own happiness for someone else’s
54. Forgive and forget
55. Feel spiritually free
56. Shoot a gun at the range
57. Go a week without complaining
58. Get a job
59. Learn to play the guitar
60. Press all the buttons in an elevator and ride to every floor, act like you are mad that some “punk kid” did this when other people get on the elevator
61. Fast for 3 days, eating nothing and drinking only water
62. Give up talking for lent
63. Leave a letter in a library book
64. Send a secret to post secret
65. Carry a totem in your pocket for a year, then give it away
66. Overspend on a gift
67. Buy a veteran a beer
68. Clean out your room, give everything you don’t need away
69. Tip higher than the bill
70. Hike part of the Appalachian trail, camp along the way
71. Get a manicure
72. Bet 100 dollars on a long shot horse to win
73. Spend 24 hours watching movies, no interruptions
74. Convince a stranger that you are something that you are not
75. Buy your mom a dozen red roses, tell her you love her (not on mothers day, her birthday or Christmas)
76. Buy a sword . . . a real sword
77. Take a zero gravity flight
78. Go see a horrible movie in theatres, watch all of the showings that day
79. Sleep in a Japanese Capsule hotel
80. Hold a koala bear
81. Take a long train ride
82. Watch the northern lights
83. Go to burning man
84. See either a show on Broadway or off Broadway
85. Learn to cook using a Julia Child cook book
86. Ask a woman out, that is way out of my league
87. Play chess with an old man in the park
88. Play go-fish with a child
89. Memorize a poem, never forget it
90. Learn to negotiate the price of a car, use this information to get a good deal
91. Buy stock
92. Do the research, and vote for a president without allowing the political parties to affect your decision
93. Quit asking “What if?”
94. Drink Sake
95. Play paintball
96. Live a day without responsibility
97. Actually listen to a child
98. Loose 100 lbs
99. Backpack through Europe
100. Dance with a stranger in a foreign country.

Took me 4 hours to write it . . . . lets see how long it takes to mark everything off.
December 31st, 2009 at 11:08pm