R.I.P Jimmy The Rev Sullivan

December 28th, 2009.
We lost an amazing drummer, son, brother, friend, and many more things, Jimmy, we all love you and will miss you, you have become a legend, I do not know what will happen to Avenged SevenFold, just know that even into your afterlife, you have made an effect on peoples lives.

We all love you.


I can't believe it.
Just as we think nothing can go wrong,
The world defies us.
People too young to die, die.
Babies murded, teenage girls raped and beaten,
People of God, Doing things only Lucifer himself would do.
Children abondoned.
Homes destroyed just for insurance money.
Corrupt politicians.
Escalating wars.
Death Tolls rising each day.
Not knowing if you get to see your loved ones tomorrow.
What is happening?
Why did it happen to me?
Those are things we ask in vain, knowing they wont be answered.
Who gets the power to do this to us!?
Who shoud decide if we sall live or die?!
If we are worthy enough, smart enough, brave enough!?
Why won't you TELL me?!
These things I ask.
I can't believe it.
January 1st, 2010 at 12:49am