1. When I'm getting my stories up

Hey there! So, I'm a Quizilla transfer. Well, actually, I still have my Quizilla, but I wanted to branch out a little bit. So, here's some information on when I'll be getting my stories up.

I'm going to go through and edit my finished ones, just try to make them better and get rid of certain parts, fix grammar and spelling, etc. They should be up sometime within the next week.

As for the ones I'm still working on, I'm going to post the stuff I already have on the same terms as the finished stories. As for an updating schedule, I have no idea. It shouldn't be over a month between them though.

Okay, that's all. I doubt anyone will really read this anyway, but in case anyone does. Have a good day.

Until next time,
January 1st, 2010 at 02:06am