Goodbye 2009

This year has been good yet eh at the same time. There’s been more good than bad for me, though.

The good stuff about 2009:
I went to Bamboozle and a Twilight Convention where I met the Hillywood show
I saw Paramore twice
I got a job
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince finally came out
My creative writing and advance comp. classes are great
I turned sixteen and had a Halloween-themed sweet sixteen
I started doing better in math

Then there was the not so good:
I started taking chemistry and it sucks
My grandma is sick, we’re not sure if it’s cancer or not but so far she’s had two surgeries
Stuff with my friends has been happening
My best friend’s dad had two heart attacks
I finally realized that the girl who used to be one of my best friends isn’t my friend anymore.

My goals for 2010:
Actually pass Chemistry with at least a C which will hopefully be enough to get me into Human Phys. Next year
Finish the rough draft of Past or Psychotic Elegance
Read more books than I did this year, 104, and get two more bookcases for my room

Hopefully 2010 will be better than 2009. Happy New Year!
January 1st, 2010 at 02:20am