Blonde or Brunette? [pics]

Happy New Year to all you Mibbians!

The other day my friend Alisha and I had a sleepover, and we dyed each other's hair. Hers is now this awesome orchid-and-dark-purple colour =]

Anyway, I used temporary dye which lasts for about 6-8 washes. How I'd love to go some crazy unnatural colour, but school and mom's rules are a little strict. Maybe if I went with a temporary purple while the holidays are still...but that's not the point! I want to know if I should become a brunette permenantly, or go for the old blonde with higlights look?

So here's the blonde me (and the awesome Muck'd Up Buttercup who now has an Alice Cullen/Uchiha Sasuke-esque bob depending on how she styles it):


And the brunette:


So...which do you reckon?

Oh, and Alisha recommended VampireFreaks to me...I did some research and I heard it's connected to several murders. But still, I just hung around for a bit and decided I liked some of the roleplaying forums. But anyway, if you have an account and want to add me as a friend, click here.

Happy New Year once again,

Much Love,
January 1st, 2010 at 02:42am