Gripers and Fixers... Who is Greater?

So what if life just happens to not go the way you planned?

Do you fight the annoyance? Do you start to hate the world? Do you shrug it off as everything is going as you planned? Do you just smile and be happy that the world has given you a chance to do something new?


I'd attempt to see it for the best, but I'm tired of it. I'm tired of people not seeing how great life can be! It's annoying really. Sure, yeah, everyone has their "bleh" moments, I understand that, but don't complain and expect everyone to feel sorry for you when you're not even making an effort to get life to be better for yourself.

Getting life to where you want it may be a bit of a hard start, but it's only a chore if you make it that way. Maybe... I don't know, get something done today. Do you have chores? Get 'em done. Are you single and not happy about it? At least attempt to find a girlfriend!

Come on, people! What I'm writing isn't something new and completely original. In fact, it's just the opposite. No one likes talking to someone who only whines and complains... and then does nothing to make it better. If you're going through a difficult time, I'm sorry, but that's still no reason to give up on life. If anything, it's more of a reason to make life better! Don't give in.

I know this entry probably makes me seem like a jerk. For all I know I could be, but who doesn't have their aggravated, fed up, completely shut up kind of days? I have been have those days much too often lately and it's aggravating. So... I'm sorry if this is offending anyone.

But doesn't it make a bit of logic? I mean who isn't going through a hard time these days? So instead of everyone griping at it to one another with all of that negative energy floating about, fix the bloomin' problem! Sometimes there isn't a way to fix a problem, and you just have to deal with it, but the majority of things are deal-with-able [if that's the right mechanics]. Most things are hard to get motivated to do at first [for me anyways] but gradually get easier, so take a chance.

I hope you at least try to do this. Please don't give up on life -- because there's always something worth living for! And remember to smile -- because you're worth it. [This is not something that I can take credit for; I didn't make up the phrase "Smile because you're worth it" although I wish I could. If you ask me; it's a miraculous quote!] =D Good luck!
January 1st, 2010 at 03:30am