New Year's Eve/New Year's Day

HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!!! =) Here's to hoping there's less drama in 2010. We'll see!

I spent New Year's Eve at a party at Becca's house. There was a bonfire on the driveway! Jonathan kept pulling me away from the fire, though. =P He let me burn paper eventually, though! Hahaha. I had fun.

I was very worried before the party, though, because I thought for sure that my parents would make me go to a neighborhood party. I'd be stuck either making awkward conversation with adults about how much I just love school(NOT), or babysitting. I was very excited when they confirmed that I could go.

Hope your New Year's Eve/New Year's Day was good!!!

Peace out! DM
January 1st, 2010 at 08:36pm