I Missed You My Mibba

Dear Mibba, how I have missed you.

If you're one of those people who followed my stories with almost religious consistency, then you'll know that after finishing my last Kaulitz love story, I announced that I was taking a break from Mibba and fan fiction to write a book.
If you didn't know that, then I just told you.

Any way, getting to my point. Over the past little while, I've realized just how much I miss writing for an immediate audience. I miss reading your comments and knowing what you think of what I've written right after I've written it, I miss seeing you guys hate and love my characters, I miss having comments to look forward to at the end of the day.
Like I said, I miss you Mibba.

As of late, I've been throwing around the idea of starting a new story for Mibba.
Not only would it give me a break from having to write three drafts of a chapter before I decide that it's perfect (because I know that you guys love me unconditionally), but it would also make you guys happy, and that's what I love about writing, making people feel.

If I were to go ahead with this story, it wouldn't be different than the others.
To begin, it wouldn't be a fan fiction. I've decided that I like having characters of my own.
Second, I wouldn't be posting anywhere near as often as I did for the other stories. I know that's what drew most of you to me, but if I try to be as religious with my posting, I'll inevitably get too distracted from the book I'm (still) writing, and I don’t want that.
I would make sure though that the posting was consistent, always on the same day(s) at the same time.

Before I do any of this though, I want to know what you, my faithful readers, think of this plan.
Let me know in a comment, it'll really help me make my mind up.

As always, thanks for reading.
Shelby a.k.a gidjet363
January 2nd, 2010 at 03:43am