New Year's Day 1/1/10

I love that bad things always have good things latched onto their backs. It's almost like a camping trip--the first camping trip of "twenty-ten." You can really tell I used to be a girlscout once by the way I came prepared, fully equipped with nightmares and bad news. I woke up almost screaming about how my best friends stole my car--that is until the smell of waffles snuck up the stairs to really wake me up. I fell asleep last night with news of my friend's brother giving him a vodka-sprite and stealing his car--which left him deserted at another friend's New Year's party. Only, then I realized that he was abandoned with his friends and his super hot girlfriend from New York, buzzed but in good company. There's no such thing as a bad thing. They're more like guide posts in a state park, letting you know that something good is up ahead.

It's funny that I've never really believed in luck or omens, or anything else like that, really. All I know is that I'm good at scratch cards, and finding money on the floor, in jacket pockets, jean pockets, the laundry, couch cushions, my car, on my piano, and random places in my closet. I don't know if that's luck or if that's just God being really good to me. Everything just seems to work in cycles that revolve around a sense of balance. I guess that's what seems to be carrying me into the new year as well.
January 3rd, 2010 at 03:52am