Do you think she's a slut?

I like this boy called Kieran and he likes me back. But we aren't together because he keeps flirting with this girl called Chloe who lives half an hour away and he meets with her on weekends.

He insisted to me that he doesn't like her in that way at all. But I went on his Facebook profile to post a New Year message on his wall and his profile was bombarded with comments from her. Saying stuff like "Hey, lets sit on the toilet together because we are SO cool. Loveyouuuuuu xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". I didn't really get what they were talking about but it seemed like a private joke to me. So I clicked on the link underneath her comment that says "See Wall-to-wall", this allows you to see their conversation.

I was surprised to see that he was sending flirty messages back and I almost fell off my chair when, in one comment, he said "Hey babe" at the beginning. If you knew Kieran, you'd know he never speaks like that...EVER.

On my news feed on Facebook, there was a picture of her with loads of comments from Kieran and Chloe's friends. In the picture, I thought, she looked like a slut. She was wearing a short black skirt with a white shirt tucked in with most of the buttons undone. She was also wearing a police hat and was holding an empty wine bottle in her hand.

One of the comments said "Kieran, wouldn't you like a kinky policewomen to come and arrest you? xxxxxx" and he was like "Yeah ;)" and then she was like "I drunk all of that wine, it was lushhh ;) xxxx". I decided to look at her other pictures because she looked quite pretty in the policewomen picture and she looks completely different. I don't think she's that pretty but that's probably because I see her as a threat.

So, do you think the picture I described is a bit slutty to be as a profile picture?

(Sorry about this journal being so crap, I am rushing to write it).
January 3rd, 2010 at 03:01pm