Raaaant about people online.

I'm a semi-literate person when it comes to normal chats and suchh. I despise people who can't seem to talk right, and people who pick fights online. Who cares how well someone else's grammar is. It's stupid. Even if you despise their guts and your trying to pick a fight doesn't give you the right to be a jackass. Just by pointing out someone's typo or grammar mistake does not make them stupider. And it definitely doesn't make you any smarter. I know its kinda contradicting, but y'know what i mean. There's that difference between p30p13 wh0 74lk l1k3 7h1s, and people who think you're stupid if you misplace a comma. I've been stuck in these arguments more than once, and its annoyingg. I mean really? He spelled grammar wrong so he's automatically retarded? Which reminds me.. another thing i tend to do, I misspell certain words and it bugs people. So I'm apologizing ahead of time, and I'll add to this list as I find them. Biggest one? Retard: or any variation of the sort. I'm a music person, so more likely then not I spell it with an i. So it looks like "ritard" and I sound like a retard. Oh, the irony. [rant done]

So here we have it:
Ritard- Retard
Asain- Asian (which is stupid i know.)
Decision- Usually I catch it before I finish the word. But for some reason, I always put an 's' first. D<

Ohh, I don't knoww. I'll add them when I find them. :)
January 3rd, 2010 at 08:24pm