mini rant, stories,moms

There are 3 orders of business, one is an update of my story,one is a mini rant of certain people, and one is funny.
An old friend of my mom came over to our house yesterday.
The first thing she said was,"Wow, are you guys hiding drugs under the floorboards?"
She was serious.
We know that our house is totally screwed up, but we don't have the money our time to fix it up.
My parents got screwy floorboard for the living room because it was cheap, now it's coming off of the floor.
The rest of the floor in our house is perfect.
Anyways, just because we are practically broke and we don't have any time, she thinks we do drugs?
Listen, if you go to a poor persons house, unless it's totally ghetto and they don't seem smart at all, don't assume they're doing drugs.
I'm not saying everyone is like this but there are people like this and those people suck to be honest.
My parents came from rich families, but either they rebelled or moved to a different country.
If you take offense, sorry.
Story Update
I haven't gotten around to posting up the last chapter of my story for a few months. I'll do it tonight.If you haven't read it, read it.
As soon as I'm done with that one I'll post up some poems or maybe a one-shot.
Maybe another novelette.
It seems most people have screwed up moms.My friends mom ditches her to go gambling in Vegas.
My mom scratches my lip and gets drunk during Christmas Break.
And she allows me to cuss and beat up my brother.
And leaves spiked eggnog on the kitchen counter.
Spiked eggnog makes you feel like crap afterward.
January 3rd, 2010 at 11:13pm