Alright So Posting Stories Or Writing Is Going To Be Painful!

Well you may be wondering what the title means. Let me tell you.

I... the clutz of a life time burned my hand with boiling water BUT i am determined to keep writing! Yes my fingers hurt like a mothertrucker but I am blocking out the pain.

(Grr I am a strong writer!!!)

I have no school tomorrow and my plan is to just write ALL day/ sleep!

Pretty much I just wanted to tell you because the burning is coming on so I'll be slow on updates ^_^ oh and when I got home from my sister's I dropped a printer and broke it (my sister didn't care but now I have a broken printer in my room.) Now I have to figure out if I can fix it O.O that is going to be a wonderful adventure! *note the sarcasm*
January 4th, 2010 at 02:24am