How about a round of applause for all the drama queens! -_-

Hello all, how is everyone doing today?i hope all is well in your lives.I am going to talk about something that many of us are familiar with, DRAMA!!! Gotta love it right? When your so called "best friends" start hating you for no reason at all, isn't it just fucking wonderful ? >< Not! So, to explain this a little better, i am going to give you a short form of whats happening.There are these girls,lets call them the first one Girl S and the second one girl K. These girls are both mad at me, but neither of them will say anything to my face,Girl S typically sends her messages through Girl K if anything.They talk behind my back and harass my boyfriend, who defends me through and through <3, and takes every opportunity to fuck with them, which isn't hard, because apparently these girls aren't to bright XD. These girls hide behind their empty words and threats, and make ridiculous claims about others, specifically me these days.They are so pathetic,its absolutely ridiculous and sad how weak they are, hell they wont even stay in the same room as me so it seems.Neither of them have any right to be upset, I mean, i could almost see Girl S as being justified, because Darren is her ex, but, she dumped him, and also, she happens to be dating a friends ex, in fact, her current boyfriend has dated like, three of her friends, including Girl K so she has no right to get mad at me for that, and she wont tell me why shes mad at me she'll just be a catty little bitch and go behind my back and say things that are totally untrue and unjustified. I wish we could just settle this with a fistfight, but I am not violent as such, and would only engage in such a fight if it was out of self defense, so I guess I'm shit out of luck, because she is too much of a coward to actually get involved in something risky, especially since she knows shes in the wrong.Oh well, I guess there's not much I can do about it, but I needed to vent,I feel much better now :)So long for now :)

Arriana Glory Lee-Page,not letting anyone bring her down with their bullshit :)
January 5th, 2010 at 05:01am