Should we have gone to War?

We are a powerful country, but China is slowly gaining on us.
But what was the real reason we went to Iraq? Was it really just because we thought they had nuclear weapons? Or was it some power trip at not wanting Iraq to be a more powerful country.
Was it really worth it?
Was it worth all our troops getting killed? Their families mourning them at home. Was it really worth all the money? For every year we spend at war, it will take ten years in debt to repay the country with raised taxes. So by the time we get out in 2011 we have about eighty years in debt, and lets face it our economy cant take it. With the was taxes and inflation will only go up and there is nothing you can do about it.
So while you sit there reading this, ask yourself: Was it really worth it?
January 6th, 2010 at 12:32am