Chasing Skye (:

Hello! Actually this isn't a journal post but more of something I'd like an opinion on....this is a short chapter from my new story idea and I just wanted to know what people thought before I continued to write it. So comment truthfully!!! (:

“Can we have one blue raspberry and one cherry slushie please?” Abby asks.
The man nods his and head begins to work on our order. Abby and I watch as he picks up a cup and begins to the make the first one. I was actually starting to like this stupid fair and was very tempted to just let loose and have fun. Abby was the first real friend and pretty much the only friend that I have made since here. I liked that I could spend time with her and that I didn’t feel like I should bolt.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t sweet little Abby Dawson and the ice queen.” The voice was deep and taunting.
Abby and I turn around and come face to face with Abby’s older brother and his friend Seth, two of the best football players at the school. True, they were cute but they were mean and had the biggest egos too.
Seth steps closer to us and Rick follows close behind, Abby taking one step back but I stay where I am. Seth seems surprised at first but then he just sneers.
“How’s it going ice queen?” He taunts. “Still not talking?”
He stops talking and puts a hand to his ear, as if to hear better.
“What? Still being a stuck up witch?” He hisses.
When I still don’t answer him, he laughs and he and Rick begin to walk away. Abby shoots them a glare to their backs. I turn back to the slushie guy.
“Hey! Wow! Thanks! These look soooooo good.” I pay the man three dollars and turn back around.
Abby holds out her hand for her cup but I just shake my head. Seth and Rick were only a couple of feet away, talking to a group of girls from school. The guys were showing off their muscles and the girls were fawning over them like they were German supermodels. It would have been very entertaining if I didn’t hate the guys who were posing.
I smile and begin walking towards them with the flavored ice.
“Skye, what are you doing?” Abby asks slowly. I could tell by her tone of voice that she knows something is up.
I shake my head and make way over to the boys slowly. When I get right behind both boys, I lift my arms, watching as the fawning girls’ eyes get big and plop! I dump the contents of both cups onto the guys’ heads and runs down through their hair. I could hear people gasp and it got really quiet really fast.
Seth and Rick turned around slowly, shaved ice and juice spraying everywhere. They were surprised and angry, the slushie dripping down both of their bodies. I know that a smirk formed on my face but at this point I don’t care. They deserve everything they’ve got coming, from my point of view anyway.
Seth was the first to speak.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked angrily.
I smiled sweetly.
“Well I figured that since everyone wants to refer to me as the ice queen, I should do something to prove how stuck up and how much of an ice queen I am.” I look the boys up and down for a minute.
I smirk again. “I do believe this would qualify as both.”
The boys make a move to grab me but I just stick an empty cup in each boy’s outstretched hand and move out of the way. The boys stare at the cups in puzzlement and I turn to leave. I start to walk away but then stop.
“Oh boys?” They look up at me and I smile. “Be a dear and please don’t forget to recycle.”
I shrug and walk away slowly. “Good for the environment and all.” I toss over my shoulder before completely walking away and going back to Abby.
It was still silent as I made it to the slushie counter and Abby. The mad behind the cart and Abby both, were trying not to laugh. I dug a ten out of my pocket and slapped it down on the cart. I grin at the guy.
“Thank you sir. Those slushies were even better than I thought.”
He grins back at me and shakes his head, pocketing the money. I link arms with Abby.
Come on Abby. I can smell fresh baked pretzels and melted cheese and they are just calling my name.”
I shot her a grin and she gave me toothy smile in return. As we walk off in search of the pretzels and cheese, everyone watching the little scene burst out laughing and we look back in the direction of the “iced” jocks. They were looking at us with confusion, embarrassment, and anger all mixed into one. I just laugh and as we start to walk again, Abby couldn’t suppress her laughter any longer.
January 6th, 2010 at 01:44am