Crazy Lady With Stroller, this seems like nonsence...but it is a good lesson. READ AND COMMENT

The last time the fair was in town, my friend Rachel and I were walking around inside the park. It was about ten or ten thirty, and we were strolling alond with our bad selves. After a while we start running for no apparent reason, and I accidently knock into this woman's stroller, with her baby inside. And I, (being the kind person I am..psh) apologize and offer her some tickets for rides. But no....that lady apparently wanted to get into a argument, she ends up screaming to the entire park, " MOVE WHITE GIRL!" and starts giving me a 'scary look' (not working lady). Okay, I admit this was very ignorant, stupid and hugly rude. I look back at her and scream " YOU MOVE YOU FATTY MCBUTTERS!" (I'm kind of lying right now..she and I both said something of a more colorful nature) Now, Rachel is just about having a hernia wanting me to 'shut up and get my butt out of there' This is the good part, the lady turns around, and starts coming at us, and you can tell she's peeved. And bing the morons we are..we run..FAST! Ok, what I have learned from this is that I personally need to control myself, and the real lesson here is if your going to go get yourself in trouble, make sure your friends arent around. Sorry so much Rachel.
Oh! I thought of another lesson! Dont talk to strangers!
January 6th, 2010 at 01:52am