
Today, I learned a lot of things. Wear appropriate clothes for PE, pick your friends wisely, the plasma membrane kind of acts like a bouncer for a nightclub by only letting certain nutrients in and kicking out wastes, and I would have never wanted to be the very first president of a newborn nation. Imagine the difficulties of that. I wouldn't want to be president at any time. It's way to stressful of a job.
Well I guess you don't want to hear a rant about how much I hate the smell of honeysuckle...
On a lighter note, I laughed at the TV today. They were advertizing this blanket which was pretty much the same thing as a two snuggies combined into one for couples or something. I had a flashback of our Christmas 08' when my dad bought snuggies from the TV and they didn't arrive till Februrary. After opening gifts, we turned on the telly and eventually a snuggie commercial popped on the screen. "I got you guys some of those." he says very nonchalant. "Really, where are they?"
Dun dun dun dun. Dun dun dun dun dun. Dun dun dun dun. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. Dun dun dun. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun DUN DUNNNN. The intro to "Final Countdown" is very, very catchy. Try studying for a test for three hours with that stuck in your head.
While sitting at the TV, I was watching some old Loaded episodes of bands that got me through my preteen years of life and eating some chips and crackers. My cat came over to sit on my armrest and I gave her a piece of cheese but she didn't really eat it. What do you do in those situations? There it is, sitting on the armrest. A soggy, gross, little piece of natural pepper jack. Of course I didn't want to just grab it and throw it away. I went to the kitchen and picked it up with a paper towel and flung it into the fireplace.
Well thats kinda it for today. We played soccer in PE. I'm pretty good at defense. You run at whoever has the ball and stick your elbows out.
Knappa, Knappa, Knappa, Oi, Oi, Oi...
*In my last uh... entry, I spelled eukaryotic wrong. Oh well.*
January 6th, 2010 at 03:14am