Happy Night!!!

I am in the BEST mood tonight!!!!! There's a guy at my school whom I've had my eye on for a while now, and after a few of today's event, he doesn't seem so out of my league...

He and I are both in the winter play at my school. He's the lead guy, and I'm a lesser character, but that's insignificant. At one point during the scene we rehearsed today, I'm supposed to walk out onstage and look for wine glasses right in front of him. Since we don't have any wine glasses to look for yet, I just stood there, and said, jokingly, "Searching for wine glasses..." and he laughed. It wasn't even that funny!

After rehearsal, I was waiting in the airlock at the front of my school, since my mom was on her way to pick me up. He walked through to get to his ride while I was the only one in the airlock, and he actually said, "See ya, Cara," as he left. He doesn't really say much to people, even if it's just a "See ya later." And I'm not even one of his good friends!

Tonight was the performance of the Theatre 1 monologues at my school. He was there for one of his friends, which my friend pointed out at intermission. I spent the better part of intermission watching him, and he looked over at me quite a few times, and actually kind of stared at one point when I wasn't watching as closely.

After the monologues, I was leaving because my sister was waiting outside to take me home. I was halfway across the auditorium when one of my friends calls, "Bye, Cara!" at which point (another friend informed me later) he looked over to me.

I was sitting in my sister's car waiting for her to pull away from the curb in front of the school when he and a few of his friends walked past my window as they were leaving. He saw me in the car and waved goodbye to me. (Well, he more of gave me a funny face and a peace sign, but if you knew him, you'd realize that he doesn't do that to just anyone).

If you think he doesn't like me, please don't say so. I'd like to keep my temporary euphoria, even if I am delusional. But my best friend honestly thinks he likes me!!!! :-)
January 7th, 2010 at 03:20am