
So this is my latest journal entry, I've written some more in between this and the last, but I haven't posted them. This probably won't make any sense, and the situation is random, i know.. but any comments on writing style & necessary improvements would be so appreciated. In other words, CRITISIZE ME? <3

January 7, 2010 3:03 PM

So yeah, I'm at the Library. Bored. Alyson & Paola are busy at school stalking the basketball team's practices. Who would have thoughs someone as mousey as Alyson would enjoy shirtless boys so much.

Paola's still being annoying about Josh, and has decided that her job is to keep me away from him as much as possible. Talk about hostility. I swear, on the lunch line today she grabbed my arm and pulled me away from him in the middle of a conversation. That's always cute.

But he later came next to me while they were eating lunch (I don't eat lunch at school, because stale popcorn chicken just not appealing at 10:30 AM.) and we talked for some time.

Oddly enough, Fatin and Paola didn't intervene, and I talked to him for a good five minutes before excusing myself to return to my friends. Josh understood and gave me one of his amazing hugs anyway.

While we were talking he told me about the latest drama in his life, how Joe B.'s sister Marissa convinced him she was a freshman at Immaculate Heart Academy, so he shamelessly flirted with her for some time. He then went on to discover she was a seventh grader in my sister Natalie's middle school. Natalie knows her and says she's a mean idiot. (Translation: Bitch.)

Now everyone says Josh is a Pedofile. In some way I find this utterly amusing.
January 7th, 2010 at 09:17pm