For anyone who is familiar with my stories on Quizilla

Hey there!

So, this is more for people who know some of my stories. I'm just going to post what's going down with some of my stories.

The Pin-Up Girl: I will post this story on here. I will probably stop posting it on Quizilla because not many people read it and I don't want to waste my time so, I'll try it out on here. It's a really fun story to write and I already have an outline done for it so i'll probably finish it in about 12 chapters. :)

You Think I'll Fall For Him: I will get the rest of the chapters up soon! I'm still going through and fixing gramatical errors and stuff. Hopefully it'll be up soon. I know people really like that story =D

You Call It Madness: I'm considering putting this story up. It's my first story and it wasn't very well written. Maybe I can re-write it and make it a little better, because it is just lacking in the crackin at the moment. I'd like it to seem a little more profesh.

Summer of Love: I just posted the first chapter yay! I should have the other ten up soon. I do plan to finish it sometime. I jsut need a little inspiration. But no worries, it will be done eventually.

This is NOT a Love Story: I really don't know if I'm going to post it. It's a little mature and I'm just not sure if I'm going to post it. I really like the story line, but I'm still not positive.

And I believe that is it! Wow I have a LOT to do! I have two new stories all outlined and ready to go as well, although I am not going to even think about writing them until I finish these. My two new ones are pretty cliche anyway. A vamp one and a best friends brother one. But hey, I'm allowed a certain number of cliches.

Anyhooser. I just want to thank everyone who reads my stories (and everyone who writes stories I read. I definitely want to thank you) and pretty much anyone who writes and reads in general. So comment, read, subscribe, etc. Just enjoy! And don't eat the yellow snow. It is not lemon. Okay, now I'm done.

Until Next Time,
Sam :)
January 8th, 2010 at 04:16am