
How is everyone? I hope you had/have/are having a plesant day! :D
I haven't gone back to school yet, I start next week... But I don't want to go back...
Well, actually I do. I just want to not have any homework...

I like watermelons... Do you? My mom gave me papaya instead though... Sadface.

I had an awkward convo with a friend a little while ago. Like, we started off talking about online games, and then we get onto the topic about sex ed. XD

It was funny because he's an upperclassman and I guess you can say I'm a little intimidated by him... And the smoothest convo we had was the one about sex ed and another one about a dream... I'm still trying to analyze that one. XD

My friend made me get a mibba 'cuz she wanted someone she could stick next to I guess. Hahaha.

The people here are really nice... LIke, nicer than the people on The same friend and I had some scary and annoying encounters with people there (at least she did, not me ...).

Okay, I guess this thing is over. :D

I should really get back to my homework.

'Til then~
January 8th, 2010 at 04:42am