Why do flamers exist?

Urgh... Another flamer on YouTube appeared.
I thought that my friend saying something to him after he insulted another girl's video was enough...
But now the flamer decides to call my friend a whore! He doesn't even know her! People like that just make me sick to the core!

I mean, I guess it is easier to just flat out insult the person that to give them critiques, but at least when you critique, the thing that's bothering you may change and you will get more respect. Also, you won't get pissed off people attacking you.

Do flamers flame people just because they want to be the big guy? It just makes them seem like big bullies. And we all know why bullies bully people...

So anyhow, hopefully that flamer will shut their trap. >_> (Hopefully...)

January 8th, 2010 at 08:33pm