So When Do You Leave Again?

Okay... So I need some opinions. I have a ... situation [who doesn't, right?] and I'm not exactly sure what to do about it.

If you've read my other journal entries you're probably aware of a bit about my situation in life right now. The thing is that my aunt and cousin are living with my brother and I [while my Mom's at the hospital...] because their house got foreclosed on a few days ago [although we have to be out of this house in a few months too because the person who's renting this house is going into foreclosure on his house's] so yeah..

Now, what I'm angry about is that it feels like they're taking over. It's not THEIR house. It's OURS. And you know what? I'm tired of them bossing Steve and I around like their our mom or dad. Sure, sure, I don't really mind doing just about anything as long as someone is nice about it, but when your older cousin [by 4 years] yells "Jade and Hannah, get out here and do the dishes and take out the trash! Get t' steppin'!" It's really not something you want to get-up-and-go to. You know?

Ohh, and when she says "take out the trash" she means "take it to the street [trash day tomorrow]" she means "Get out there and do it in the 10 degree weather while there is snow all over the trash bags and stuff because I told you what to do the wrong thing wrong earlier." Seriously, because of thinking we had to move their was tons of junk and it's not really a big deal as long as you're not already fuming, but I was, so how would you feel do you think?

Then, ohh, then she goes and brings her "buddy" over here to OUR house when I already dislike her [which I informed my cousin as kind as possible of]. Of course I'm not going to be mean to the girl, but still. Knowing that I don't like her, my cousin's buddy goes and antagonizes me thinking she's something awesome and completely holy when the truth is that she's, in my opinion, a bum.

I know she has family problems too, but dang, that doesn't give you the right to be rude to someone. She always thinks she's better than my brother and I and at some stuff, sure, yeah, I'll give her that, but not all around! That's just plain bratty. So, yeah, I want her out.

Am I being a selfish brat by wanting that? By wanting ALL of them out of OUR house and to stop taking over my room, my mom's room, and the living room? Am I wrong for feeling like we have no say in what to do because no one will bloomin' listen to us? ... Because whether they believe it or not, we're not morons, and we don't need 24/7 supervision. Heck, we'd be pretty much fine on our own... I mean, Steve could do most of the bills and whatnot and balance a checkbook etc. We can go to the store on our own, and you know how to live.

Gosh, they think we're some immature brats and we're really not. Before we told Mom our problems with a situation and she'd voice them [because no one listens to us] and hey, suddenly they'd see, but now, nope. Now we're just some kind of stupid..

Yeah, perhaps I am being a brat, and it's not like I'm trying to be mean. I really do appreciate their help, but boundaries are something important. Besides, it's not like we need their money. In fact, they need OURS and I really don't mind that. I'll happily share, just please... don't be a jerk.

That's my issue. Don't be a jerk and we'll get along great. Be a jerk, and I'm still going to tolerate you, but don't expect special privileges.

I'm sorry, just needed to vent. Anyways, please tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions on how I could possibly fix any problems [my family not listening to my brother and I, my cousin and her friend getting on my nerves, ways to make a boundary limit, or any other things you can think of would be fantastic.] please do so. Thank you!
January 9th, 2010 at 02:47am