Well... I'm a band geek... But I'm loved!

Ahh... It's a nice feeling to be loved by people you wouldn't expect. My high school is doing a musical and we are doing Beauty and the Beast. (Amazing!!!) Thankfully I play the oboe and I have been playing it for years now.. Sadly I've never had any private lessons and most of my band directors didn't even know what an oboe was... So yeahh... I get a lot of amazing solos! I'm very excited! Yesterday my brother (trombone player) left early and I had to stay for the rest of the rehearsal. (it ended at 6:30 and it takes about 15-20 mins. to get home). I got my bike and said goodbye to my amazing boyfriend that I have been dating for over a year now. I headed off and once I got home he called. He told me that everyone was afraid for me riding my bike alone at night. As they all said "The freaks come out at 6." ^-^ I'm glad that they care though. It's a nice feeling to have.
Also I am singing a 3 part harmony in jazz band. "Get me to church on time" from My Fair Lady. I'm glad I get to sing harmony. I really enjoy it. We are going to Disneyland on February 12th and singing it at Carnation Plaza! It should be AMAZING!!!!!
Today I had a butt load of homework to finish... I finally got it done though. Thank goodness!
My family is in the process of planting a church as well. Our house was completely stripped of everything when we moved in... No doors, sinks, cabinet doors, oven, microwave, dishwasher, shower doors.... and much, much more. Eventually we got the cabinets, dishwasher, doors, shower doors, and sinks. So, the church decided to make a fund for us so we could get a double oven and a microwave! I have always loved baking and I haven't been able to bake for about a year and a half. We already got our microwave. (it is amazing!) Best Christmas gifts ever! We are still waiting on the double oven though.
Also, we are doing a children's group called the Royal Rangers. Thankfully I don't have to work with snot nosed little kids.. I already deal with my little brother and sister... hahaha. I am going to work with the Jr. high kids. Yeah, they may be a pain in the butt but, it's better than the snot nosed kids. So, I definitely will enjoy that.
January 10th, 2010 at 12:56am