New Plan. Five Floors Is Excessive.

I tell you, searching for a house takes it out of you. It can’t be any old hole, has to be close to water (pubs and shops), have enough nest space (rooms), good fire (kitchen) and, most importantly of all, two bathrooms because five girls certainly can’t share one!!

Anyway, the one we found has a whopping FIVE FLOORS!? Ever heard of anything so crazy??? Plus, it’s only costing three hundred and eighteen quid a month each. Not bad for five students, eh? I mean, the money from my bar job could pay that no problem but what with the student loan and all...well, let’s just say if we can get it then we’re going to be happy chicks.

Just spent a couple of hours playing poker with my housemate, he only just got back from his home and he was being a whiny chump. Not even because he was losing, although that probably didn’t help. Either way, I’ve left him to hit the hay. For dinner I had a can of tuna for a starter and then chips and beans for the main course. I worked every night last week and haven’t had the energy to go shopping, or to the gym.

Tomorrow will change everything. Gym, house hunting, shopping, flop. Good plan!
January 11th, 2010 at 02:55am