Emily The Strange; The Lost Days

I finished my first book of the year. It was Emily The Strange: The Lost Days.

Emily loses her memory while in a new town, where no one knows her. She goes through the town trying to regain her memory when she met her friends, Raven and Schneider. They group runs into trouble with the local authorities and a Caravan of magical travelers. Raven's search to find herself she becomes Molly. When she realises that she is not Molly she goes back to town and finds out she is the great niece of the town's founder. She has to find away to regain memory and get the caravan out of town before they destroy it.

This is an excellent read. Fast, I read it in a day. I picked it up at my local library. If you are a fan of the comic strips, go pick up this novel!!! :)
January 12th, 2010 at 02:15am