Updated Q&A

Soooo. I realized it's been almost a year since I did a Q&A. Here's some of my most frequently asked questions (sorted by story).

Older/deleted stories-

Q: What happened to Mind Rain Too Soon/Social Status Can Sometimes Mean Nothing?
A: Both of these have been deleted (obviously) for different reasons. With MRTS, I felt it needed some major revamping and editing, which I couldn't do while It's ugly first chapters are staring me in the face on here. SSCSMN has been taken down and replaced with a relatively new fic with almost the same plotline, Check Yes, Tinkerbell.

JB Stories-

Living the Dream-

Q: Why do Nick and Holly NOT end up together in the end of the story?
A: Okay, so here's the deal with that one. Last year when I finally ended LTD, I wasn't at a point where I could write any longer about Nick and Holly. So I wrote a hasty ending that ended up disappointing a LOT of people. As of right now, its sequel, Circus of La La Land, is on hold for this very reason. I think I'm going to leave both up so people can continue to read them, until I have enough of it re-written to start posting.

Circus of La La Land-

Q: Why did you stop updating all the sudden??
A: Answered above.

Check Yes Tinkerbell-

Q: Did you REALLY go to school with Nick Jonas?
A: No, sadly, I did NOT go to school with Nick Jonas. That is only a figment of my imagination. But, I did, however, attend the same modeling/acting/talent booking agency as Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and Tony Oller when we were kids. The most likely don't remember me, but I tried out for Barney at the same time they did.


Q: Wasn't Lucy originally called something else?
A: Yes, Lucy was originally named Aly, but I'm trying to shy away from using real people in my stories because as of late, it's starting to become a problem when I'm no longer friends with the person I'm writing about.

January 13th, 2010 at 02:17am