In deep need of romance help ! PLEASE

I seriously need some romance advice over here!

Okay so last winter I had this huge crush on a guy (lets just call him M) and when school started he never showed me the slightest interest until my school had this dance and then he invited me to dance and we shared some kisses and then after that he talked a bit to me and then nothing.

I would sometimes catch him looking at me in school and such but nothing biggie.

And then he completely stopped talking to me like he wouldn't say hi to me on msn and not even look at me in school and then in christmas break he said hi all out of the sudden.
So when school started I was standing in a line waiting for me friend and then he shows up behind me to get a glass of water or something and my friend said he'd been glancing toward me since I walked toward the line.
And now week after school started again he text me. I know I was freaking shocked.

And last night we were texting from 7 pm to 1 am talking about everything. We talked about us and just you know it was one of those talks you could say anything.
So today when I went to school after this amazing text talk me and my friend were getting some books in the library and I knew he was sitting behind me so I had my back turned to him or somewhat he could like see my side and my friend was standing so she could see his face and she would tell me every time he would look at me.

To be honest I'm pretty sad that I haven't gotten any text message from him tonight.
Last night I asked him why he was texting me because we never talk and he said he simply wanted to talk to me.

I don't know how I should take this... is he showing some interest in me, is he messing with me or maybe he has nothing else to do ?

I need some serious help, romance have never been my strong side.
January 14th, 2010 at 09:40pm