Mid-terms, Confusion, and a Movie?!

Well, it's that dreadful time of year again. All you high-schoolers know exactly what I'm talking about. Mid-terms. Can't you just hear the dramatic "dun dun dun" music when you read/say that word?
I can.
But maybe it's just me.
Okay, moving on. And I promise you, this journal won't be entirely pointless. I actually do need help with something x)
So yes, like most people, I'm stressing over mid-terms. I'm fine as far as English and Social go, and I already passed my Wellness, but I'm basically screwed for Math and Science. I know if I study enough, I could get a passing mark, but when you're stressed, sometimes it doesn't matter how much you cram, when that test is put in front of you, sometimes you just go blank. =/ If this happens to me, I'm gonna knock a bi*ch out. Ha, no...but seriously. -.-
Also, as you all know, (actually, I'm not sure if everyone gets this...I think so...meh, anyway) February break is coming up, and I'm pretty excited. Any day away from school, I'm excited for. For February break, I'm going to visit my sister, brother-in-law, neice and nephew. I'll stay with them for awhile and my sister and I were thinking of going to see a movie. We want to see The Lovely Bones, as we both read it, and thought it was bloody amazing. I think it comes out this Friday...so, if anyone sees it, please tell me how it was! :]
On to the 'Confusion' part of my entry; which is also the part I need help with...
Alright, so, I have a boyfriend...(have or had...I'm not sure) and someone created a rumour that I cheated on him, and I assure you that I sure as hell did not. Anyways, after that, he wasn't the same around me anymore, even though we worked out the rumour thing. Now he's going around telling people he broke up with me, while on Facebook, I sent him a long message that basically said "you're not only my boyfriend, you're my best friend, too. And that being said, all I ever want for you is to be happy, and if I can no longer make you happy, then there's nothing I can do...Just think about what makes you happy the most, I'll be fine." and now he's saying things like "I never meant to hurt you...I"m SO sorry!!...Please forgive me!" He's really confusing, and I said "It's okay", but I don't really think it is...Basically, I'm fed-up with his bipolar attitude. But I still care about him. It's not like I hate him or anything, I just don't know what to do. He tells other people one thing, and says an entirely different thing to me.
So here's what I need you to do...
What are you doing February Break?
If you've seen The Lovely Bones please tell me how it was!
January 15th, 2010 at 12:40am